Day 157 {t-ball}

Today Ava and I baked a little bit. We made the rosettes below. Then since we had hot oil anyway, we made some prawn crackers. My cousins in Australia brought a couple of boxes for me last year and I love them. Unfortunately I hit them like a fat kid on a smartie and will have to walk my tail off this week.

My parents came over for dinner and my mom taught Ava how to play t-ball.

Except Ava was more interested in picking dandelions.

Eventually she came back. Check this out: not only is she is a leftie, but look at that form - slightly bent knee and great follow through. Score one for my genes baby. If she can't hit the side of a barn and comes home filthy covered in dirt from stealing bases she is my child for sure.

That was it. Hope you had a great day. Thanks for looking!


listgirl said…
I love prawn crackers! I get them at the Chinese grocery store around here. But I don' eat them that often, because I can't eat just one!