day 227 {family barbecue}

Today was a fun day. We all went to my company barbecue with my coworkers and their families. We had a great time. I took a bunch of pictures but will only share the ones of my own kids and other shots that don't have people's faces.

We spent much of the afternoon chasing kids and looking for missing shoes:

The kids made lots of new friends but Ava didn't like the boys hanging out with them. At one point she told them "you're not allowed in our place!" and I saw her turn to one of the other kids and with a huge sigh said "that's my brother Owen".

A lot of ice cream was eaten:

We got to go on a hayride (those are Ava's filthy legs - I think she had fun):

Ethan, Ava and I on the hayride (thanks Carrie for taking this picture):

The view from the hayride:

Out in the fields with our tour guide Mr. Wallace. I believe he is holding some kind of barley/oat mix.

It was a great day. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time. Thanks for looking!


Anonymous said…
I bet it took some convincing to get Ava to go on the hay ride after her last experience with a wagon

Karen A