day 287 - the shiner $

Ava knew several of the kids in her class before school started. She knew a few kids from soccer, a few from story hour and one of the little boys in her class lives two doors down from us. When she came home from school the first day she asked me why one of the little girls in her class didn't want to play with any of the girls and only wanted to play with the boys. I explained to her about tomboys and that I was like that when I was a little girl. I liked hanging out with the boys playing sports.

Last week she started talking about that little girl and how she had been playing with her at recess and was having fun. Today she came home with the startings of a black eye. She and the little girl smashed into each other (it was an accident and the other little girl was fine).

I think she'd better go back to playing with the girlie girls. ;)

As I write this a week later she still has a dark purple strip under her eye. :(
