day 306 - bedtime stories $

Every night the kids and I read books before bed. How many we read depends on how well behaved they are.

Ava isn't picky about what we read. She likes everything and she will sit and listen attentively and comment on what's happening. Her favourite book is probably Mortimer by Robert Munsch. The boys love to listen to stories but they have to be either Thomas the Tank Engine stories or books from the Trucktown series. If it's neither of those things, there's a slim chance they are going to stick it out.

I don't really care what I read, but some books are definitely better than others. I personally like the Scaredy Squirrel books. I think I find them more entertaining than the kids.

Anyway, with that being said, tonight we read eight books. Apparently we were all in a story telling mood and we got a good jump on Ava's school book reading club that has just started.
