All in favour of winter ending right now, say "aye". Blech.
It was another cold one today. Not freeze your nose hairs or shoes squeaking on the snow cold, but cold all the same.
Here's my car defrosting on the driveway. Points for getting my picture out of the way early. Points for remembering to return our library books on the way out of town. All points lost when I discovered halfway to work that I left my purse at home.
No lunch and no money. Thanks for spotting me $10, Checco. And a big thank you to all of the motorists who drove slow and prevented me from setting any land speed records and getting pulled over by the police.

So I'm not entirely sure why I chose a heart for my picture of the day because truth be told, I was kind of crabby this morning. I was tired, I was cold, the PVR didn't record any of my shows yesterday and the radio tunes were less than stellar.
Have you heard the "I've had the time of my life" remake? Yeah. It's cra-a-ap. And what makes it worse is that it's the Black Eyed Peas which means the second my kids hear it, it's going to get downloaded to my iPod.
And hey - did you catch the couch cushion eating lady on TLC last night? Me neither.
Stupid PVR.
It was another cold one today. Not freeze your nose hairs or shoes squeaking on the snow cold, but cold all the same.
Here's my car defrosting on the driveway. Points for getting my picture out of the way early. Points for remembering to return our library books on the way out of town. All points lost when I discovered halfway to work that I left my purse at home.
No lunch and no money. Thanks for spotting me $10, Checco. And a big thank you to all of the motorists who drove slow and prevented me from setting any land speed records and getting pulled over by the police.

So I'm not entirely sure why I chose a heart for my picture of the day because truth be told, I was kind of crabby this morning. I was tired, I was cold, the PVR didn't record any of my shows yesterday and the radio tunes were less than stellar.
Have you heard the "I've had the time of my life" remake? Yeah. It's cra-a-ap. And what makes it worse is that it's the Black Eyed Peas which means the second my kids hear it, it's going to get downloaded to my iPod.
And hey - did you catch the couch cushion eating lady on TLC last night? Me neither.
Stupid PVR.

As always, love the pics!
Watch my Sky
(...and that Black Eyed Peas song is one of the most listened to on my iPod...sorry! I think it's catchy...)