day 24 - baby it's cold outside

Well, it finally happened. Today we crossed the threshold from being kind of cold to being so bitterly cold that the snow squeaks under your feet and your nose hairs freeze. Both sensations I distinctly remember experiencing when Ethan made a break for it this morning on the babysitter's driveway and I had to chase after him down the middle of the street. At that point it was -19C without the windchill. It would take the next hour to warm up my feet and I wasn't even outside five minutes.

When I got to work a little bit later it was -16C.

By the time I left work it was -10C and "warm" enough for the snow to start falling again.

Anyway, it was a pretty quiet day. A day to travel in the car with the heat blasting in your face. A day to think about random stuff - how peaceful everything looks covered in snow, how beautiful the light is streaming through the trees

and I'm certainly no expert, but shouldn't the psychics already know this?


Kara said…
LOL!! Both pictures made me laugh!
Anonymous said…
Brrr. I like the first photo.
Mari said…
Brrr! It was 17 below here and that was too cold for me. Love that bottom shot!
Anonymous said…
An extremely exceptional and also helpful post out there. My partner and i printed your idea and looked at it all two times
Unknown said…
Wow! I cant believe how cold it must be. In stark contrast we are sweltering here, desperately seeking any cool breeze. Love your balmy shot!
Unknown said…
Wow! I cant believe how cold it must be. In stark contrast we are sweltering here, desperately seeking any cool breeze. Love your balmy shot!
Unknown said…
Haha! Love the Psychic Expo sign!
Trish ~ ♥ ~ said…
We've been having some wickedly cold weather here, also. So, I feel your pain.

Yesterday, after being out for awhile, my fingers were so cold they felt like they were on fire. But I did manage to get some "cool" photos.
Kathleen said…
Ha ha! That is hilarious!!

Our temps have been in the negatives lately too - not -20, but -3, -4, around there. We moved up to CT from GA in September, though, so I am experiencing a new world!