day 208 - back hair on parade

Today's the day we've all been waiting for - the day the shed pad gets poured so this shed show can get on the road. The crew and the truck showed up at 7:15 sharp, ready to go in the heat. One by one, the guys hauled wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow through the backyard to the back corner of our lot.

The funny thing is the boys were totally disinterested. I took them outside to see the concrete truck before I left for work and they could care less, which was really bizarre because they are obsessed with high hoes, concrete mixers and tractors. Instead, they complained that it was cold outside, took a brief look and went back inside to watch tv.

I think the only thing we can conclude from this is that once again they take after their mom and are not so big on back hair. ::shivers::

(Owen is the top picture, Ethan is the bottom.)
