Well, she's everywhere. Now that she is getting the hang of walking, she is starting to climb and explore. It's very fascinating to watch but gone are the days where you could plunk her in one spot and she would stay entertained. She is constantly on the move now. The pictures below are just some of the new things she's doing.
Climbing the stairs on Nana & Grandad's deck...

Emptying the cupboards which have since had child restraints put on them... On that note - I could use some advice. How do you block off a lazy susan can cupboard? We can't figure that one out.

Tackling the dog as she tries to sleep...

Scattering shoes at the front door all over the room...

Turning on the stereo and ejecting the tape decks (I can hear her five years from now - "what the heck is a tape deck?" She'll give me a blank look like my sister and I did when people talked about 8 tracks). ...

Thanks for looking!
Climbing the stairs on Nana & Grandad's deck...

Emptying the cupboards which have since had child restraints put on them... On that note - I could use some advice. How do you block off a lazy susan can cupboard? We can't figure that one out.

Tackling the dog as she tries to sleep...

Scattering shoes at the front door all over the room...

Turning on the stereo and ejecting the tape decks (I can hear her five years from now - "what the heck is a tape deck?" She'll give me a blank look like my sister and I did when people talked about 8 tracks). ...

Thanks for looking!
I see Alyssa isn't the only one with a shoe obsession. I don't know what it is about shoes, but Alyssa does the same thing. And just today she was playing with the stereo in our bedroom and was turning the volume up and down!! Right now her big thing is turning the TV off!
By the way thanks for all the tips about getting Alyssa to drink cow's milk. I posted a reply to yours on my blog.
Talk to you later!