I am amazed. I decided to look back at pictures taken this time last year. I can't believe the difference. Ava has gone from this little baby who we couldn't find small enough clothes for when we brought her home from the hospital and couldn't do anything for herself to this funny little stair climbing adventurer who can crawl up onto the couch and into my lap. She has become a determined, affectionate little girl who can drench me from head to toe splashing in the bathtub one minute and the next minute is pulling out hair accessories and messing up her hair immediately after I brush and clip it. She likes to blow kisses and will giggle like crazy when the dog licks her toes. It's hard to believe the difference in only one year.
Last week - 14 months old...

June 24th, 2006 - 10 weeks old...

Thanks for looking!
Last week - 14 months old...

June 24th, 2006 - 10 weeks old...

Thanks for looking!
I love being able to see her so often to see what new "tricks" she is up to! Her little waves and hugs are the best!