These pictures were taken tonight in front of my parents' house. Ava was playing outside with her Nana when she discovered her shadow. She took off down the sidewalk in her barefeet trying to chase it.
Ava spots her shadow...

Chasing her shadow...

Stopping briefly to brush off the bottom of her feet...

Later on at the park...

Thanks for looking!
My sister tagged me so I am required to tell my blog readers 7 random things about myself. My questions are pulled from an album I am working on for Ava right now using coordinating q&a stickers and paper I bought recently:
1. Who is your McDreamy? Patrick Dempsey of course but I think Cary Grant would have made a pretty great McDreamy in his day.
2. What are your quirks? When eating Smarties or Skittles, I often sort and eat them by colour. Weird huh?
3. What is your favourite junk food? The Burger King Whopper, NY Fries poutine, blueberry Pop Tarts and Kernels popcorn.
4. What's your favourite movie? Bridget Jones's Diary, I love old movies from the 30's - 50's, particularly anything with Cary Grant.
5. Who is your favourite superhero? Wolverine from Xmen.
6. What's your favourite tv show? Grey's Anatomy.
7. What am I listening to as I type this? Somebody Told Me by The Killers and Everything by Michael Buble.
I am more of a blog lurker and since the blogs I do actively comment on have already been tagged by my sister I will not be tagging anybody. However, I would like to learn more about my blog readers, so if you have any interesting facts about yourself or want to introduce yourself, please post a comment and let me know more about you. Thanks!
Ava spots her shadow...

Chasing her shadow...

Stopping briefly to brush off the bottom of her feet...

Later on at the park...

Thanks for looking!
My sister tagged me so I am required to tell my blog readers 7 random things about myself. My questions are pulled from an album I am working on for Ava right now using coordinating q&a stickers and paper I bought recently:
1. Who is your McDreamy? Patrick Dempsey of course but I think Cary Grant would have made a pretty great McDreamy in his day.
2. What are your quirks? When eating Smarties or Skittles, I often sort and eat them by colour. Weird huh?
3. What is your favourite junk food? The Burger King Whopper, NY Fries poutine, blueberry Pop Tarts and Kernels popcorn.
4. What's your favourite movie? Bridget Jones's Diary, I love old movies from the 30's - 50's, particularly anything with Cary Grant.
5. Who is your favourite superhero? Wolverine from Xmen.
6. What's your favourite tv show? Grey's Anatomy.
7. What am I listening to as I type this? Somebody Told Me by The Killers and Everything by Michael Buble.
I am more of a blog lurker and since the blogs I do actively comment on have already been tagged by my sister I will not be tagging anybody. However, I would like to learn more about my blog readers, so if you have any interesting facts about yourself or want to introduce yourself, please post a comment and let me know more about you. Thanks!
The shadow picture is adorable. If we did not stop her, she would have walked all the way to the park. Every day brings more adventures.
I am so very happy to be a part of it all.