Two years and at least 40,000 pictures later, Ava is celebrating her second birthday. She is learning and growing so fast. We are now working on getting her to learn her last name. As far as she is concerned, her name is Ava Dingle and she thinks that is the funniest thing she has ever heard. She's a real talker and she doesn't stop from the moment she gets up until the moment she goes to bed. She gets into everything lately, her most recent adventure being sneaking into the boys' room where she found the penaten cream and coated her feet in it. She loves her brothers and doesn't have a jealous bone in her body.

Of all of the pictures I have taken of Ava, my absolute favourite picture is the picture above. Her hand is cut off which bothers me, but everything else just seemed to click - the backlighting, her expression and I can't get enough of her pigtails. Here is a sampling of other favourites over the past two years.

Happy birthday, Ava Dingle.

Of all of the pictures I have taken of Ava, my absolute favourite picture is the picture above. Her hand is cut off which bothers me, but everything else just seemed to click - the backlighting, her expression and I can't get enough of her pigtails. Here is a sampling of other favourites over the past two years.

Happy birthday, Ava Dingle.
Hope Ava had a good birthday:)
At least Dingle is easier to live down try Kaka.
Thanks for sharing
aka Auntie Kaka