As promised, here are the answers and the results tallied from both polls (the one that didn't work and the one that didn't).
This is Ethan. 75% of you guessed correctly!

This is Owen. 80% of you guessed correctly. 7% thought it was the same kid, and at a quick glance it sure looks like it, but nope. Different kid. :) One way to tell is that they both have cowlicks, but Ethan's is more prominent. Another quick way is Owen has a birthmark in the centre of his forehead (easier to notice when you click on the picture and view the bigger image). The boys also have slightly different shaped heads - Ethan's head is more long and Owen's head is more round. The final clue was that they are wearing different t-shirts.

Thanks for participating!
Here is a picture of both of the boys taken the same day. Ethan is on the left and Owen is on the right.

Thanks for looking!
This is Ethan. 75% of you guessed correctly!

This is Owen. 80% of you guessed correctly. 7% thought it was the same kid, and at a quick glance it sure looks like it, but nope. Different kid. :) One way to tell is that they both have cowlicks, but Ethan's is more prominent. Another quick way is Owen has a birthmark in the centre of his forehead (easier to notice when you click on the picture and view the bigger image). The boys also have slightly different shaped heads - Ethan's head is more long and Owen's head is more round. The final clue was that they are wearing different t-shirts.

Thanks for participating!
Here is a picture of both of the boys taken the same day. Ethan is on the left and Owen is on the right.

Thanks for looking!
They are adorable and getting so big.
How are you doing with 3 under 3?