Here are some pictures of Ethan sitting with his Auntie Gail at the beach. It's looks like they were having quite the conversation.

When I look at this next picture the words of the immortal Sir Mix-a-Lot come to mind. It looks like they are gossiping and Ethan is saying "Oh. My. God. Becky. Look at her butt. It is so big."

What a little charmer...

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When I look at this next picture the words of the immortal Sir Mix-a-Lot come to mind. It looks like they are gossiping and Ethan is saying "Oh. My. God. Becky. Look at her butt. It is so big."

What a little charmer...

Thanks for looking!
Jen your pictures capture some very special moments. Thanks for sharing your talents!
thanks so much for sharing.
A Gail