Today was great. I started off the day down another three pounds. I am really starting to wonder if our scale is broken as I only have two more to go. Anyway, we had a garage sale at my mom & dad's house. The boys were a handful and we did a lot of running, but there were brief moments where they stood still. Here's Ethan leaning against the neighbour's garage door. He's drinking his bottle, watching the goings on and trying to decide which way to run next.

We didn't take a lot to sell, but what we took provided hours of entertainment. One of the bins I took over was full of Halloween costumes. Ava was thrilled and played for the rest of the day. She's also the reason why I suddenly had a "do not sell" pile.

Ava and my sister.

Thanks Mel for taking this picture:

Poor Owen. Ava always makes him be the girl.

My mom playing with Ava and Owen.

You know me and shiny stuff.

Ava and my sister.

In the bin there were a bunch of capes. Here are my mom, my sister and Ava playing superheroes.

Here's my grandfather's old chair waiting to be picked up. This chair has been around for as long as I can remember. He always sat in it. Unfortunately my last memories of him sitting in it are not good ones as he was in the final stages of cancer, but there are lots of good memories too. My grandmother doesn't have room for it anymore, so it's nice to see that somebody else can now enjoy it.

Check this out - I got to put my feet up for more than two seconds. Actually that's not true. Right around now some guy picked my camera up off the table thinking it was for sale. Keep walking, pal.

Here's one of my favourite pictures from today. My sister took it. Thanks, Mel!

That was it. It was a really fun day. Thanks for looking!

We didn't take a lot to sell, but what we took provided hours of entertainment. One of the bins I took over was full of Halloween costumes. Ava was thrilled and played for the rest of the day. She's also the reason why I suddenly had a "do not sell" pile.

Ava and my sister.

Thanks Mel for taking this picture:

Poor Owen. Ava always makes him be the girl.

My mom playing with Ava and Owen.

You know me and shiny stuff.

Ava and my sister.

In the bin there were a bunch of capes. Here are my mom, my sister and Ava playing superheroes.

Here's my grandfather's old chair waiting to be picked up. This chair has been around for as long as I can remember. He always sat in it. Unfortunately my last memories of him sitting in it are not good ones as he was in the final stages of cancer, but there are lots of good memories too. My grandmother doesn't have room for it anymore, so it's nice to see that somebody else can now enjoy it.

Check this out - I got to put my feet up for more than two seconds. Actually that's not true. Right around now some guy picked my camera up off the table thinking it was for sale. Keep walking, pal.

Here's one of my favourite pictures from today. My sister took it. Thanks, Mel!

That was it. It was a really fun day. Thanks for looking!
Love the pics!