Today was a fantastic day. My mom, dad and I took Ava to Oakville to visit my sister and brother-in-law. Ava was so excited as she finds the whole process fascinating - buzzing up to their condo, the magic door that lets us in, riding the alligator (elevator), the balcony, everything.
Here we are after we picked up Nana and Grandad. I am going to be very disappointed when Ava starts wearing her sunglasses properly.

A ritual. Every time we go to M's place we park in visitor parking and Ava has to step on every letter between the van and the end of the parking spaces.

When I saw this picture I took I laughed my head off.

Tell me you don't have this in your head now:
Anyway, after some retail therapy, Auntie M and Uncle Craig took Ava over to the pond across the street from their building to feed the geese and ducks.

It was really cold today but the sun was shining and the sky was a beautiful blue. The moon was even out.

Ava even got a new purse.

On our way back to the van. Hey look - my shadow, although kind of unflattering in this picture, is skinnier. SWEET. You are looking at a size 7 shadow baby. :)

As usual, there was a shiny reflective object calling to me. This was at the top of the ramp that goes down to the parking garage.

Ava wanted to know where M's car was so M was explaining about the parking garage.

And that was it. It was a great day! It was ended by Ava saying one of the funniest things she has ever said when we got home but I won't post it as I can see everybody right now rolling their eyes and blaming me for what she said and where she got it from. Yes she got it from me and it is one of the funniest things I have ever heard her say.
Thanks for a great time Mel and Craig! Thanks for looking everyone.
Here we are after we picked up Nana and Grandad. I am going to be very disappointed when Ava starts wearing her sunglasses properly.

A ritual. Every time we go to M's place we park in visitor parking and Ava has to step on every letter between the van and the end of the parking spaces.

When I saw this picture I took I laughed my head off.

Tell me you don't have this in your head now:
Anyway, after some retail therapy, Auntie M and Uncle Craig took Ava over to the pond across the street from their building to feed the geese and ducks.

It was really cold today but the sun was shining and the sky was a beautiful blue. The moon was even out.

Ava even got a new purse.

On our way back to the van. Hey look - my shadow, although kind of unflattering in this picture, is skinnier. SWEET. You are looking at a size 7 shadow baby. :)

As usual, there was a shiny reflective object calling to me. This was at the top of the ramp that goes down to the parking garage.

Ava wanted to know where M's car was so M was explaining about the parking garage.

And that was it. It was a great day! It was ended by Ava saying one of the funniest things she has ever said when we got home but I won't post it as I can see everybody right now rolling their eyes and blaming me for what she said and where she got it from. Yes she got it from me and it is one of the funniest things I have ever heard her say.
Thanks for a great time Mel and Craig! Thanks for looking everyone.
Ava is so cute with her glasses upside-down, and you've got a wonderful photo of her, stepping on the letter in the parking lot. The second one is great.
Great pictures of a great day!
Take care
Hugs Susie
The photos are fantastic - and you look great, Jen! You go on with your size 7 self!