Ava spent the afternoon with my mom today while we were at work. She had a great time. I snapped a few pictures of her playing with my mom when I picked her up.

Here she is playing tag with my mom. She cheats BIG TIME. Here she is "resting". After running around for a while, she turned to my mom and said and I quote "I don't know about you, but I'm tired. Let's rest." Then when my mom sat down, she tagged her and ran away.

Other than that, it was an uneventful day and I didn't take many pictures. The only other picture I took was of the bulbs Ava planted with my mom. They are coming up nicely.

Thanks for looking!

Here she is playing tag with my mom. She cheats BIG TIME. Here she is "resting". After running around for a while, she turned to my mom and said and I quote "I don't know about you, but I'm tired. Let's rest." Then when my mom sat down, she tagged her and ran away.

Other than that, it was an uneventful day and I didn't take many pictures. The only other picture I took was of the bulbs Ava planted with my mom. They are coming up nicely.

Thanks for looking!