Today was a busy day. After work we went car shopping again. I think we had given up on the RAV4 and were totally sold on the Corolla S until we drove this: the Toyota Venza. We are now undecided again. :(

Anyway, that was it for today. We came home to find the kids fed, bathed and ready for bed (thank you mom and dad!) and in time to watch Ava's new favourite commercial ten times before bed. Have you seen this commercial? I don't know who finds it more entertaining - Ava or me. I think it's hilarious. The girl rocks.
Thanks for looking!

Anyway, that was it for today. We came home to find the kids fed, bathed and ready for bed (thank you mom and dad!) and in time to watch Ava's new favourite commercial ten times before bed. Have you seen this commercial? I don't know who finds it more entertaining - Ava or me. I think it's hilarious. The girl rocks.
Thanks for looking!
We had to give up our Saturn station wagon years ago because it wouldn't fit multiple car seats. That's when we ended up with a van (not what I wanted to be driving!) When we went down to just a booster for StellaDella, our options opened much wider at our last car buying. Now, we have a Jeep Patriot with heated seats. Love the warm bum in the winter! Good luck!