Another uneventful day at our house. Halloween dressup continued. Here's Ava talking to Auntie M on the phone:

I caught up on my soap operas, much of which I watched in black and white. The boys kept pressing buttons on the satellite receiver and pushing it around and the cable at the back kept popping out. It was no big deal as EJ looks hot in colour or black and white. :)

A recent favourite game in our house - high chair races. When the boys are done eating, they pop their trays off and throw them on the floor (it drives me crazy). Then they rock back and forth really hard to shift their high chairs along the floor. Before you know it they are on the other side of the room. Tonight we let them race each other. That's Owen in the lead.

That was it. Another slow day. Thanks for looking!

I caught up on my soap operas, much of which I watched in black and white. The boys kept pressing buttons on the satellite receiver and pushing it around and the cable at the back kept popping out. It was no big deal as EJ looks hot in colour or black and white. :)

A recent favourite game in our house - high chair races. When the boys are done eating, they pop their trays off and throw them on the floor (it drives me crazy). Then they rock back and forth really hard to shift their high chairs along the floor. Before you know it they are on the other side of the room. Tonight we let them race each other. That's Owen in the lead.

That was it. Another slow day. Thanks for looking!