Today is three years since my grandmother passed away after her surgery for esophagus cancer. Ava and I went to visit my grandparents' grave at the cemetery. It's a hard concept to explain to a three year old. Luckily she founds lots of dandelions to pick and busied herself doing that.

After that Ava and I went grocery shopping and the kids and I hung out while Jason was golfing. After the boys had their nap it was game time again in the McDougall household. The boys are fascinated/terrified of our robotic vacuum. They can spot it from a mile away and constantly point at it and talk in their own little language. First they stare at it from afar.

Then they get a bit closer and more daring. They keep getting closer until one of them gets the guts to press the button and turn it on.

The second the music plays and the roomba leaves the dock, they run away kinda like this (this is Owen):

Except with a more terrified look on their face. The other highlight of today was discovering that Charade was on tv. I love Cary Grant and I love that movie. Here's Ava watching the famous scene where he takes a shower with his suit on. She found it pretty entertaining.

That was it for today. Thanks for looking! Miss and love you Nana. xo

After that Ava and I went grocery shopping and the kids and I hung out while Jason was golfing. After the boys had their nap it was game time again in the McDougall household. The boys are fascinated/terrified of our robotic vacuum. They can spot it from a mile away and constantly point at it and talk in their own little language. First they stare at it from afar.

Then they get a bit closer and more daring. They keep getting closer until one of them gets the guts to press the button and turn it on.

The second the music plays and the roomba leaves the dock, they run away kinda like this (this is Owen):

Except with a more terrified look on their face. The other highlight of today was discovering that Charade was on tv. I love Cary Grant and I love that movie. Here's Ava watching the famous scene where he takes a shower with his suit on. She found it pretty entertaining.

That was it for today. Thanks for looking! Miss and love you Nana. xo

Love you!