We had a busy day today. The organizing continued. Mario and Luigi tag teamed and used the new/old storage bin I used to organize their toys to try to unlock the water and ice on the fridge:

and Ava got a new "comfy" bed and Tinkerbell bedding and curtains for her room:

I think she likes it. As I suspected, her bears and dolls are sleeping on the nice new sheets on the bottom bunk and I had to make the top bed for her where she finally fell asleep once she finally stopped bouncing around.

After that it was off to my parents' house for my Dad's birthday (happy birthday Dad!) and our belated Thanksgiving. My mom's one request? A new family picture:

After that the kids played in the leaves in my dad's trailer. My dad had them loaded up to take them away.

Ava spent yesterday afternoon, last night and all day today at my parents' house. Tonight she showed me her new game: "Ava's Store". My mom saved boxes and other containers for her and made up a laundry basket with all of her "stock" and her cash register.

She even has her own currency:

After a long story of how the dixie cups were sold out but she saved some for me, my groceries are ready to go:

I highly recommend it. Ava had a blast and took the whole thing quite seriously.
One more picture for the day. When we left to go home, we discovered some jerk shot at our van with a paintball gun while we were parked in front of my parents' house. Thank god it washed off because it left a couple of pretty big splatters on the van. Little buggars.

Thanks for looking!

and Ava got a new "comfy" bed and Tinkerbell bedding and curtains for her room:

I think she likes it. As I suspected, her bears and dolls are sleeping on the nice new sheets on the bottom bunk and I had to make the top bed for her where she finally fell asleep once she finally stopped bouncing around.

After that it was off to my parents' house for my Dad's birthday (happy birthday Dad!) and our belated Thanksgiving. My mom's one request? A new family picture:

After that the kids played in the leaves in my dad's trailer. My dad had them loaded up to take them away.

Ava spent yesterday afternoon, last night and all day today at my parents' house. Tonight she showed me her new game: "Ava's Store". My mom saved boxes and other containers for her and made up a laundry basket with all of her "stock" and her cash register.

She even has her own currency:

After a long story of how the dixie cups were sold out but she saved some for me, my groceries are ready to go:

I highly recommend it. Ava had a blast and took the whole thing quite seriously.
One more picture for the day. When we left to go home, we discovered some jerk shot at our van with a paintball gun while we were parked in front of my parents' house. Thank god it washed off because it left a couple of pretty big splatters on the van. Little buggars.

Thanks for looking!
When you are finished organizing and removing items from teh house you can start at my place!!
Great family picture shot and Happy Birthday to you Dad, the young puppy;)