One by one the kids got sick yesterday and by the end of the day I wasn't feeling so hot myself. Today we all still weren't feeling well so I stayed home from work and we had a pajama day.
On taps for tomorrow? Ava's first skating lesson with Sara. The skates came out and she tried them on for the first time since last year. She tried them on in the house last year but refused to wear them on the ice. Here's hoping she's more into it this year. She's pretty excited about it, so I have a good feeling about it. Or maybe it's because it's several days later as I write this and I already know the outcome. :)

Thanks for looking!
On taps for tomorrow? Ava's first skating lesson with Sara. The skates came out and she tried them on for the first time since last year. She tried them on in the house last year but refused to wear them on the ice. Here's hoping she's more into it this year. She's pretty excited about it, so I have a good feeling about it. Or maybe it's because it's several days later as I write this and I already know the outcome. :)

Thanks for looking!