Today was an errand day. We took the kids to McDonalds for lunch (cost for 3 happy meals and an Angus burger combo = just under $25) and grocery shopping. It's a rare occurance that they get to come with us and today was a great reminder of why we don't take them with us. First of all unless we are at Costco or Zehrs it is a two cart caravan through the store because they all won't fit in one cart. I had Ava and Fresh Pot (Ava's nickname of the day for Ethan) in my cart and Jason had Banana Pants (Owen) in his. Fresh Pot thought every man we passed in the store was his daddy and you could hear him calling it out throughout the Walmart. He poked holes in some of the meat in the cart and kept throwing his hat on the ground. Ava proceeded to crush everything in our cart. Owen was a little angel and didn't say a word. He just looked around and was quiet.
Anyway, here's Ethan rocking his Pookie hat again. He looked absolutely adorable today even if he was a little terror at times.

We finished the day by Skyping Nana & Grandad before bedtime. We could easily communicate with them by just going outside and yelling down the street, but this is far cooler. :) Well at least it WAS cooler until the boys started hitting buttons and we lost the audio. It took at least five calls to say good night but the kids loved it.

And that was it. One more day to go......
Thanks for looking!
Anyway, here's Ethan rocking his Pookie hat again. He looked absolutely adorable today even if he was a little terror at times.

We finished the day by Skyping Nana & Grandad before bedtime. We could easily communicate with them by just going outside and yelling down the street, but this is far cooler. :) Well at least it WAS cooler until the boys started hitting buttons and we lost the audio. It took at least five calls to say good night but the kids loved it.

And that was it. One more day to go......
Thanks for looking!