According to Photojojo, Wednesday is the day to take gratuitous pictures of yourself. While I can't see myself doing this every day, some guy actually took a picture of himself every day for six years. Check it out - it's fascinating. Unfortunately I didn't get around to it yesterday, so I give you Gratuitous Picture of Yourself Thursday:

Ava thought it was hilarious. Me, not so much upon review. Duuuuuuude: 1. You have crow's feet. 2. Tweeze your eyebrows already. You look like a sasquatch. On the bright side, you got a hair cut. Nice work.

In other news, a certain almost four year old decided that she wanted to make Owen look "fancy" and dressed him up in her clothes. Being a good sport, he went along with it willingly:

During nap time, Ava wanted to take some pictures with my camera. Here is some of her work.
Helium Balloon by Ava M:

Militant Barbie in Plastic Peek-a-boo Frock by Ava M:

Lonely Sock by Ava M:

Here's Ava at the end of the day. Maxing and relaxing in our bed at the crack of nine o'clock reading her Jillian Jiggs book.

Thanks for looking!

Ava thought it was hilarious. Me, not so much upon review. Duuuuuuude: 1. You have crow's feet. 2. Tweeze your eyebrows already. You look like a sasquatch. On the bright side, you got a hair cut. Nice work.

In other news, a certain almost four year old decided that she wanted to make Owen look "fancy" and dressed him up in her clothes. Being a good sport, he went along with it willingly:

During nap time, Ava wanted to take some pictures with my camera. Here is some of her work.
Helium Balloon by Ava M:

Militant Barbie in Plastic Peek-a-boo Frock by Ava M:

Lonely Sock by Ava M:

Here's Ava at the end of the day. Maxing and relaxing in our bed at the crack of nine o'clock reading her Jillian Jiggs book.

Thanks for looking!