Today was a pretty quiet day around our house. I made the most incredible cinnamon buns today. They were amazing. Thanks Andrea for recommending the recipe!

Nana came over and played with the kids in the snow. The boys hate playing in the snow, however it became far more exciting when they discovered the road. This was also about the time that the kids were brought inside (Owen's in red, Ethan's in blue). ;)

The Olympics wrapped tonight and it was awesome. Something bizarre has happened. Suddenly I am watching curling and hockey and am right into it. Thank god the Olympics are coming to an end because it's just unnatural. Anyway, as much as I was into it, I couldn't take the pressure of the gold medal game between Canada and the USA. I decided to go for a nap and woke up in time to see the nail biter end to it and see Canada win in overtime. It was amazing.
In the evening I watched much of the closing ceremonies and watched two amazing weeks of patriotism come to an end. It's too bad my grandparents weren't able to see it as they would have loved it. Both sets of my grandparents immigrated to Canada in the 50s and were very proud to say they were Canadian. So am I. I have never been prouder in my life to be Canadian. Big thanks to Jane for sending this link to me. I remember seeing this air after the hockey game and it's amazing. I couldn't think of a better way to summarize the past two weeks. They have been incredible.

Thanks for looking!

Nana came over and played with the kids in the snow. The boys hate playing in the snow, however it became far more exciting when they discovered the road. This was also about the time that the kids were brought inside (Owen's in red, Ethan's in blue). ;)

The Olympics wrapped tonight and it was awesome. Something bizarre has happened. Suddenly I am watching curling and hockey and am right into it. Thank god the Olympics are coming to an end because it's just unnatural. Anyway, as much as I was into it, I couldn't take the pressure of the gold medal game between Canada and the USA. I decided to go for a nap and woke up in time to see the nail biter end to it and see Canada win in overtime. It was amazing.
In the evening I watched much of the closing ceremonies and watched two amazing weeks of patriotism come to an end. It's too bad my grandparents weren't able to see it as they would have loved it. Both sets of my grandparents immigrated to Canada in the 50s and were very proud to say they were Canadian. So am I. I have never been prouder in my life to be Canadian. Big thanks to Jane for sending this link to me. I remember seeing this air after the hockey game and it's amazing. I couldn't think of a better way to summarize the past two weeks. They have been incredible.

Thanks for looking!