Happy Earth Day! Remember the tree we planted this time last year? Dead as a doornail. I think it was dead before we even got it. So here we go again - another new tree for the backyard in time for Earth Day (thanks Karen & Doug!):

The past three days Ethan has jumped the baby gate at 6:30 am and busied himself doing all kinds of stuff he's not supposed to be doing. So...last night marked the beginning of the two gate barricade. We stacked two gates one on top of the other and that seemed to do the trick because he didn't get out this morning. It didn't work so well at naptime.
First of all, the boys figured out how to get the child safety knobs OFF. Not how to squeeze them and turn the knob -- they figured out how to remove them. I found it in their room on the floor behind the door.
Anyway, the double gate worked for about five minutes during nap time. It wasn't long before they made their escape. There are rubber pads on the four corners of the gates. They pushed out the bottom corners of the top gate, Owen gave Ethan a boost over the bottom gate and he slid between the gates like a dog door.

And once again, the kids manage to stay one step ahead of us.

The past three days Ethan has jumped the baby gate at 6:30 am and busied himself doing all kinds of stuff he's not supposed to be doing. So...last night marked the beginning of the two gate barricade. We stacked two gates one on top of the other and that seemed to do the trick because he didn't get out this morning. It didn't work so well at naptime.
First of all, the boys figured out how to get the child safety knobs OFF. Not how to squeeze them and turn the knob -- they figured out how to remove them. I found it in their room on the floor behind the door.
Anyway, the double gate worked for about five minutes during nap time. It wasn't long before they made their escape. There are rubber pads on the four corners of the gates. They pushed out the bottom corners of the top gate, Owen gave Ethan a boost over the bottom gate and he slid between the gates like a dog door.

And once again, the kids manage to stay one step ahead of us.

Really Jen, sometimes your the highlight of my day.It was the dead tree thing this time. Keep posting I love it. T.O. ASAP I would like a picture of the Toronto skyline at night through my telescope. Call me!
Some Graffiti would be nice.Hurry up!
Jason Roberts :O)
Ty had the gates mastered a long time ago but thankfully has not figured out the knobs yet.....lucky for him Dylan can't figure them out either so he just takes them off for his little bro!
Yes Drea - we can't get them together until they are at least 10 or we get a fence on our yard. Ava knows how to turn the door knobs because I showed her. I was tired of having to do it for her every five minutes. Sometimes I wish I hadn't though. :(
Thanks Jason! Yes I agree - it's definitely time for more graffiti. We'll set something up!