Today was a great day. Every year our company hosts a barbeque to raise money for juvenile diabetes and every year we are lucky to have great weather. So while our head office in Calgary was shoveling out after a huge snowfall, we were all outside for the day in 30 C weather.
Here are some randoms from the bbq:

Here's the crew relaxing after a long afternoon in the sun. One of our clients loaned us their summer students for the day. This is us watching them haul picnic tables back up onto the patio. I'll bet they were really heavy. ;)

The final tally of money raised at the end of the bbq. It was later recounted to be $4,417. Not bad!

I had to take a picture of this as it was too funny not to (please note...this is a coworker's baby and no, the beer cups are not his):

But not half as funny as this. I don't know what's funnier - that somebody had the guts to ask for that to be put on his license plate or that the ministry of transportation actually okayed it. Whatever the case, I found it totally inappropriate but oh so amusing.

Here are some randoms from the bbq:

Here's the crew relaxing after a long afternoon in the sun. One of our clients loaned us their summer students for the day. This is us watching them haul picnic tables back up onto the patio. I'll bet they were really heavy. ;)

The final tally of money raised at the end of the bbq. It was later recounted to be $4,417. Not bad!

I had to take a picture of this as it was too funny not to (please note...this is a coworker's baby and no, the beer cups are not his):

But not half as funny as this. I don't know what's funnier - that somebody had the guts to ask for that to be put on his license plate or that the ministry of transportation actually okayed it. Whatever the case, I found it totally inappropriate but oh so amusing.

And I appreciate the amusing and inappropriate!