I can't believe it's apple picking season again. It seems like we just did it last year and really I didn't even realize it was that time again until my mom asked me on Friday night when we were going to Chudleighs. The weather has been really hit and miss so when we heard Sunday was going to be nice that was it - plans were made. And not only was it nice, it was absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining and it was t-shirt weather.
As much as I have issues paying $7 each to get through the gate (the boys are free), it is a beautiful place to go. Wagons take you in and out of the orchard, there's a small petting zoo area, lots of setups for pictures and most importantly, it's the home of the Chudleigh apple blossom. Actually, to hell with the regular blossoms. It's the home of the Chudleigh caramel apple blossom. Once you go caramel, you never go back.

Chudleighs was insane. We got there 10 minutes after they opened and it was a zoo. We were lined up pretty far back but thankfully the line moved quickly and while others got sidetracked by children's attractions, we went straight for the wagons and didn't have to wait to get out to the orchard.
Here's Owen on the wagon. The exposure on this picture is terrible (thus the black and white) but I love it. It melts my heart. Owen has the most beautiful smile in the world but the majority of the time you just get a smirk from him. He usually has his "I'm really enjoying this but you will never see me smile" look on his face. It's cute but to see him look at me like this confirms why I will always pay the $7 each to get in, fork out cash for multiple $3 pony rides and buy bags and bags of apples.

At that point it was time to pick the apples. Here's Ethan picking Cortland apples with Nana and Owen having a big conversation with Grandad near the Royal Galas. Would you believe this is the third year in a row they have worn these vests? The first year they were enormous, last year they fit and I couldn't believe it when they still fit this year.

These ones of Owen make me laugh:

He likes apples but he's not a huge lover of fruits and vegetables. This is my fruits and vegetables baby:

Here are some other randoms from the day:

Last but not least I would like to thank my children for punking me today. I was standing in the line waiting to pay for my caramel apple blossoms when I told my sister and Ava to pose for a picture. I took the picture and went to check it as I usually do and there was nothing there. It was black. I took a few more shots and they were all black too. At that point I started to panic that the shutter had quit and old Buelah was toast.
Then I realized that one of my boys had played with the dials on my camera.
f16 at 1/800 of a second at iso 100 equals this:

As much as I have issues paying $7 each to get through the gate (the boys are free), it is a beautiful place to go. Wagons take you in and out of the orchard, there's a small petting zoo area, lots of setups for pictures and most importantly, it's the home of the Chudleigh apple blossom. Actually, to hell with the regular blossoms. It's the home of the Chudleigh caramel apple blossom. Once you go caramel, you never go back.

Chudleighs was insane. We got there 10 minutes after they opened and it was a zoo. We were lined up pretty far back but thankfully the line moved quickly and while others got sidetracked by children's attractions, we went straight for the wagons and didn't have to wait to get out to the orchard.
Here's Owen on the wagon. The exposure on this picture is terrible (thus the black and white) but I love it. It melts my heart. Owen has the most beautiful smile in the world but the majority of the time you just get a smirk from him. He usually has his "I'm really enjoying this but you will never see me smile" look on his face. It's cute but to see him look at me like this confirms why I will always pay the $7 each to get in, fork out cash for multiple $3 pony rides and buy bags and bags of apples.

At that point it was time to pick the apples. Here's Ethan picking Cortland apples with Nana and Owen having a big conversation with Grandad near the Royal Galas. Would you believe this is the third year in a row they have worn these vests? The first year they were enormous, last year they fit and I couldn't believe it when they still fit this year.

These ones of Owen make me laugh:

He likes apples but he's not a huge lover of fruits and vegetables. This is my fruits and vegetables baby:

Here are some other randoms from the day:

Last but not least I would like to thank my children for punking me today. I was standing in the line waiting to pay for my caramel apple blossoms when I told my sister and Ava to pose for a picture. I took the picture and went to check it as I usually do and there was nothing there. It was black. I took a few more shots and they were all black too. At that point I started to panic that the shutter had quit and old Buelah was toast.
Then I realized that one of my boys had played with the dials on my camera.
f16 at 1/800 of a second at iso 100 equals this:
