Today was a big day for Ava. She started her skating lessons today. Getting her on the ice was a job and a half but once she got out there she did very well. And she looked tall! Have I mentioned she's one of the tallest (if not the tallest) in her class?

Today also marks four years since my grandmother passed away. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her and miss her terribly.

I wasn't sure what to write for my blog post and debated it all day. Nothing seemed right. Then an email came from my uncle. It was perfect and bang on right down to my nine year old cousin's reply at the end:
"Ariana has a school project to do on any member of her immediate or extended family. She picked Mom. She asked for stories and character traits that were unique to her. Paul was over at the house this evening as we all recalled her incredible strengths and abilities:

Today also marks four years since my grandmother passed away. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her and miss her terribly.

I wasn't sure what to write for my blog post and debated it all day. Nothing seemed right. Then an email came from my uncle. It was perfect and bang on right down to my nine year old cousin's reply at the end:
"Ariana has a school project to do on any member of her immediate or extended family. She picked Mom. She asked for stories and character traits that were unique to her. Paul was over at the house this evening as we all recalled her incredible strengths and abilities:
Loreta: Her ability to feed 1,000 people on a moments notice without breaking a sweat.
Paul: Her ability to clothe, feed, and provide a most comfortable life for 9 people on one salary.
Mark: Her organizational skills were so finely tuned, that by the time we sat down to eat Thanksgiving dinner, all the pots, pans, and cooking utensils were washed, dried, and put back in the exact place where they started that morning.
Ariana: She took the time to teach her how to make curry with the patience of 20 grandmothers.
Thomas: She used to cheat at cards."
