Today was a busy day with Christmas shopping and more Christmas card work. I checked several remaining people off of my list and Ava wrapped some special presents.

Three months ago Ava could count to 30. Suddenly she can count to 100 and is writing cute little notes for everyone:

I love you too Ava. xo
I guess I should mention that this is my 1,004th post. Apparently I have had a lot to say. It's about 1,003 most posts than I thought I would make when I started this thing almost four years ago. Thanks to all of you for reading and encouraging me every step of the way.

Three months ago Ava could count to 30. Suddenly she can count to 100 and is writing cute little notes for everyone:

I love you too Ava. xo
I guess I should mention that this is my 1,004th post. Apparently I have had a lot to say. It's about 1,003 most posts than I thought I would make when I started this thing almost four years ago. Thanks to all of you for reading and encouraging me every step of the way.
