Today was a day for Ava and I and a day I will never forget. The boys went to the sitter, Ava and I went out for breakfast with my co-workers for our annual Christmas breakfast and then we finished our Christmas shopping.
My shopping is done, but Ava wanted to buy presents for several people from a list of her own. I took Ava to the dollar store and she wandered around the store deep in thought looking for presents. Here are some highlights:
Ava found the "perfect" tea party hats for Nana

and a balaclava so Daddy canrob a bank snow-blow the driveway.

She got a lot of really thoughtful presents and it didn't cost a fortune. She was pretty happy and I think it made her feel grown up.
My shopping is done, but Ava wanted to buy presents for several people from a list of her own. I took Ava to the dollar store and she wandered around the store deep in thought looking for presents. Here are some highlights:
Ava found the "perfect" tea party hats for Nana

and a balaclava so Daddy can

She got a lot of really thoughtful presents and it didn't cost a fortune. She was pretty happy and I think it made her feel grown up.
