Big day today. Rehearsals started for the skating carnival and it was skating picture day.
Who knows if Ava's going to become an excellent skater. Who knows if she is going to continue this whole "taller than the whole class" thing she's got going on. Maybe one day she'll become a ballerina/teacher (gotta be some documented cases somewhere...) or maybe she won't.
As long as she has fun and she's doing something she loves, that's all that matters.

And that's a wrap on The Joy of Love. It was fun. I enjoyed it very much but I'm kind of glad it's over. It was hard finding the time for two blog posts every day and hard to get my shots taken on work days.
I missed a couple of days I might fill in at some point, but at this point I am going to say goodbye to The Joy of Love and keep plugging away on my Project 365.
In case it's of interest, Willette Designs is running another free course in March called "The Joy of Luck". Click here to learn more and to sign up.
Who knows if Ava's going to become an excellent skater. Who knows if she is going to continue this whole "taller than the whole class" thing she's got going on. Maybe one day she'll become a ballerina/teacher (gotta be some documented cases somewhere...) or maybe she won't.
As long as she has fun and she's doing something she loves, that's all that matters.

And that's a wrap on The Joy of Love. It was fun. I enjoyed it very much but I'm kind of glad it's over. It was hard finding the time for two blog posts every day and hard to get my shots taken on work days.
I missed a couple of days I might fill in at some point, but at this point I am going to say goodbye to The Joy of Love and keep plugging away on my Project 365.
In case it's of interest, Willette Designs is running another free course in March called "The Joy of Luck". Click here to learn more and to sign up.

She has overcome her shyness and hasn't fallen now for over ten lessons.
She is a happy kid and she has made some new friends.
Way to go Ava!!
It's amazing to see how far she has come in just a few months. She's already a far better skater than me. ;)