And the celebrations roll on.
One year to go before school and Owen is diaper-less during the day. We might need to invest in some suspenders for him as the diaper was apparently holding his pants up, but it's a nice problem to have.

Tonight he showed me other things he can do.

Good to know, however I thought we'd have a little bit more time between rocking the gitch and hanging from the monkey bars upside down.
Heart attacks today: 1.
One year to go before school and Owen is diaper-less during the day. We might need to invest in some suspenders for him as the diaper was apparently holding his pants up, but it's a nice problem to have.

Tonight he showed me other things he can do.

Good to know, however I thought we'd have a little bit more time between rocking the gitch and hanging from the monkey bars upside down.
Heart attacks today: 1.

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