There are few artists I would bother seeing in concert. It's just not worth the money or the hassle. Some of the artists have no idea what city they are in and sitting down on the floor is really overrated because you can't see a damn thing.
Keith Urban is another story. His concerts are worth every. single. cent.
Tonight I was lucky enough to see him in concert for the fourth time. Big thanks to my wonderful brother-in-law who won tickets and was kind enough to give them to me. I am also incredibly grateful that:
A. I got to go to a dinner and a concert with a great friend.
B. I got to eat dinner at a place that had breakable dishes and that my meal wasn't served to me through a takeout window.
C. I got to sit still for two and a half hours and didn't have to run anybody to the bathroom.
It was two and a half hours of rock (you heard me - rock, not country) bliss.

Bravo, Keith. Even the drunk lady in front of me who kept waving her arms in my face and making kissy faces with her equally irritating husband couldn't ruin my night.
Keith Urban is another story. His concerts are worth every. single. cent.
Tonight I was lucky enough to see him in concert for the fourth time. Big thanks to my wonderful brother-in-law who won tickets and was kind enough to give them to me. I am also incredibly grateful that:
A. I got to go to a dinner and a concert with a great friend.
B. I got to eat dinner at a place that had breakable dishes and that my meal wasn't served to me through a takeout window.
C. I got to sit still for two and a half hours and didn't have to run anybody to the bathroom.
It was two and a half hours of rock (you heard me - rock, not country) bliss.

Bravo, Keith. Even the drunk lady in front of me who kept waving her arms in my face and making kissy faces with her equally irritating husband couldn't ruin my night.

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