day 288 - it's all about the shoes

The birthday party circuit continues. Every time I go to the store to buy a birthday party present, Ava gets invited to another one. This is the third of five parties, five weekends in a row.

Today was the birthday at the horseback riding place. The weather was miserable and I fully planned to get drenched while I watched Ava ride, so I left my camera at home. Much to my surprise, the entire thing was indoors.

So while I did take some pictures today, you are stuck with iPhone quality pictures.

The horse's name? Lucky.

The footwear? Epic.

The party? A huge hit. We even got to see a girl practice jumping with her horse.

Who knows? We might even have a future jockey on our hands and that's really something considering how much courage it took this shy kid to get up on that horse and ride him around in front of all of the parents and helpers.


Altax said…
Lovely shoes and nice picture!!!

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