Quick! Your house is on fire and you only have time to grab one item to take with you (aside from children and pets of course)! What is it?
My one thing would be my 1 TB external hard drive. It has every picture I have taken over the past two years, sitting perfectly organized and sorted by date.
Well tonight I was having some problems with it. I unplugged the USB cable and when I plugged it back in, the USB connector snapped off and fell inside of the totally sealed box which doesn't have any screws.
Now what?!
Please keep your fingers crossed! In the meantime I'm going to focus on staying calm and not crying and I'm going to leave you with the dividers for my new book. The dividers in my first book too no time at all and the ones in my last book took way too long.
This new layout is a happy medium:

I'd still love to hear how your Project Life is going. Are you liking it? I like it but I will be looking for something different to use for 2012. I'd love to hear your recommendations!
My one thing would be my 1 TB external hard drive. It has every picture I have taken over the past two years, sitting perfectly organized and sorted by date.
Well tonight I was having some problems with it. I unplugged the USB cable and when I plugged it back in, the USB connector snapped off and fell inside of the totally sealed box which doesn't have any screws.
Now what?!
Please keep your fingers crossed! In the meantime I'm going to focus on staying calm and not crying and I'm going to leave you with the dividers for my new book. The dividers in my first book too no time at all and the ones in my last book took way too long.
This new layout is a happy medium:
I'd still love to hear how your Project Life is going. Are you liking it? I like it but I will be looking for something different to use for 2012. I'd love to hear your recommendations!

It sounds like you have a physical problem with your drive, but your data is still all safe, which is the important part.
If you take it in somewhere, they should be able to retrieve all of your photos (in their current organized state) and put them onto a new drive for you.
I'm doing pretty good with project life. thank you for inspiring me.