I don't eat breakfast through the week mainly because the daily rush to get out the door is hard enough without adding that into the mix. With that being said, I very much enjoy making breakfast on the weekends. Thanks to my dad, I have become a pretty great crepe maker and I can make a mean strawberry puffed pancake.
This morning I tried something new thanks to a recipe I found on Rochelle's blog: Nutella & Banana French Toast.
Oh. My. God.

So good. I mean how can you go wrong with chocolate for breakfast? It was the grown up version of a peanut butter and banana sandwich and it was sheer brilliance.
Thanks Rochelle! I can feel the pounds going straight to my ass but it was more than worth it.
Other than that, it was a pretty quiet day. Ava and I played with candy hearts for a little while and watched movies. It was nice to have a down day after the crazy day we had yesterday.

This morning I tried something new thanks to a recipe I found on Rochelle's blog: Nutella & Banana French Toast.
Oh. My. God.

So good. I mean how can you go wrong with chocolate for breakfast? It was the grown up version of a peanut butter and banana sandwich and it was sheer brilliance.
Thanks Rochelle! I can feel the pounds going straight to my ass but it was more than worth it.
Other than that, it was a pretty quiet day. Ava and I played with candy hearts for a little while and watched movies. It was nice to have a down day after the crazy day we had yesterday.
