fabulous friday challenge

Once again it was a hard week to get outside to take pictures. The weather has once again been rainy and miserable.

On Easter Sunday I had some fun with the kids at my parents' house. We were practicing our jumps for the awesome sunset silhouettes we're going to do should we ever find a small exercise trampoline (anyone...anyone...). Gotta love the concentration on Ethan's face.

This is the Easter Sunday outfit Ava wore to church. She picked it out. It was not the hill I wanted to die on, so I caved. At least she had a jacket over it.

Just a reminder of the rules:

1. The picture has to be taken by you.
2. The picture has been taken during the past week and it can be a picture you have posted earlier in the week.
3. Link up using the link to your individual blog post and not your main blog address.
4. Please include the Fabulous Friday button (below) in your post to link back to my site.
5. Leave feedback for five other participants. Let them know what you think!
6. By linking up you are okay with me re-posting your photo here if you are chosen for the top five.

Thanks for participating everyone! Have a fantastic weekend. The linky closes Sunday night and winners will be posted Monday.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Buckeroomama said…
What a wonderful capture! I'd dearly love to capture the kids jump up & down on a trampoline, but I need to work on making sure I don't get blurry shots first. =)

Happy Friday!
4 Lettre Words said…
Such a cool shot...and I love that gal's style! :)
Tracy said…
Such a great photo!! Looking forward to seeing your trampoline photo!
Simon said…
I love the way she's jumping and the concentration of your son. You are wise not to "die on that hill"...my mother is STILL trying to conquer that battle. Your girl has pink socks and dress shoes on, it's all good....and who could jump this well wearing something super girlie and uncomfortable anyway?
Happy Friday.
FYH said…
What a fun shot!
alicia said…
Love your photo. Is it a special lens? And had to laugh about your daughter's outfit. Sounds like mine. I generally try to bite my tongue, but had to say something on Easter. Good for you for letting it go. It's been rainy and nasty here too, but today the sun is out. Yah! I'm a new follower. So glad I stopped by.
Jessaca said…
What a AWESOME shot!!! Great expression her face.
Kathryn Dyche said…
Love how you captured this moment, it's perfect. They'll be sure to get a giggle when they get older and look back at this one.
Anonymous said…
Awesome shot. i love it!
Sherrie said…
Hi Jennifer,
She's really jumping pretty high even without a trampoline. Have a great day!

Food for Thought
Ashley Sisk said…
I can only imagine if I wanted to wear whatever I wanted when I was a child - my mom was a stickler for that sorta thing. But, I love the jumping shot.
Trish ~ ♥ ~ said…
jump! Jumpin' Jack Flash!
Brooke said…
I love the jumping shot. My son and I don't exactly see eye to eye on his attire or his hair (he is SIX!!! OY.) But I hear ya, sometimes it just isn't worth fighting over.
Photography said…
Great jumping shot! I love the effect too. Your button wouldn't work for me - has anyone else said??
Anonymous said…
Too funny!

And..I never thought of using an exercise trampoline for a silhouette shot! Great idea! Ours is pretty old, but it's got to have some bounce left in it!