Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a fantastic weekend.
Thanks so much for your beautiful entries! Tonight's post is a wrap up of winners from the past two weeks. Thanks for your amazing captures and for the inspiration. I hope you'll play along again next week!
Week One:
This shot by Misty is incredible. You really need to see it full size to do it justice. The detail is amazing. Beautiful!

I love this silhouette shot by Tiaras & Tantrums. Great shot.

This is a great shot by Michelle. The processing rocks and her son is just too cute.

I love this shot by Sarah. What a fantastic shot. Love it.

And the winner of Fabulous Friday is...Shannon. Her picture makes me want to have another baby. And then I look at the chaos around me and think "OH HELL NO."

Week Two:
I really liked this shot by Melanie. The look of joy on her son's face is captured so perfectly. I absolutely LOVE the last shot in the series.

I love this shot by Danelle. The detail is incredible! Beautiful shot.

This shot by Miggy rocks. Love the composition and the processing.

This beautiful shot was entered by Rhonda. I love everything about it, including the adorable subjects.

And the winner of Fabulous Friday is...Ashley Sisk. I absolutely love the b/w conversion and how she combined two shots. You should check out the entire series - it's amazing. These are the kind of travel photos that I love. Anybody can take a picture of Big Ben but very few would show the hustle and bustle around it. I love this picture.

Thanks again for participating! Feel free to pick up your button winners!
Thanks so much for your beautiful entries! Tonight's post is a wrap up of winners from the past two weeks. Thanks for your amazing captures and for the inspiration. I hope you'll play along again next week!
Week One:
This shot by Misty is incredible. You really need to see it full size to do it justice. The detail is amazing. Beautiful!

I love this silhouette shot by Tiaras & Tantrums. Great shot.
This is a great shot by Michelle. The processing rocks and her son is just too cute.

I love this shot by Sarah. What a fantastic shot. Love it.

And the winner of Fabulous Friday is...Shannon. Her picture makes me want to have another baby. And then I look at the chaos around me and think "OH HELL NO."

Week Two:
I really liked this shot by Melanie. The look of joy on her son's face is captured so perfectly. I absolutely LOVE the last shot in the series.

I love this shot by Danelle. The detail is incredible! Beautiful shot.

This shot by Miggy rocks. Love the composition and the processing.

This beautiful shot was entered by Rhonda. I love everything about it, including the adorable subjects.

And the winner of Fabulous Friday is...Ashley Sisk. I absolutely love the b/w conversion and how she combined two shots. You should check out the entire series - it's amazing. These are the kind of travel photos that I love. Anybody can take a picture of Big Ben but very few would show the hustle and bustle around it. I love this picture.

Thanks again for participating! Feel free to pick up your button winners!
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